Terms & Conditions

1. Terms

All reservations made for Barnacle whether provisional or confirmed, are made upon, and are subject to, the following Terms & Conditions and no variation thereof will be accepted unless agreed in writing with Barnacle Liverpool Ltd. Written confirmation (via email, post, or online tick box) will confirm acceptance of Barnacle’s Terms & Conditions.

2. Interpretation
In these Terms & Conditions “Barnacle” refers to the entity trading as Barnacle Liverpool Ltd and the “client” means the person, firm or company with a confirmed booking with Barnacle.

3. Law
These Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted according to law in England and Wales.

4. Confirmation and Deposit
For confirmed reservations of parties fewer than 8 people made in Barnacle the client must provide and authorise a method of payment that can be charged £20 per person only in the event of a “no show”.

For confirmed reservations of parties greater than 8 people made in Barnacle a deposit of £20 per person will be required upon booking to guarantee any reservation. Where booking numbers reduce by more than two people without 24 hours prior notice the full deposit shall become payable per the difference in number.

For all reservations on an exclusive-use basis in Barnacle a written confirmation and a deposit of 50% of the minimum spend value agreed in writing will be required from the client upon booking to guarantee the reservation. Where booking numbers reduce the minimum spend value agreed in writing must still be met.

All deposits can be paid by credit card or BACS payment and are non-refundable.

5. Payment of Outstanding Balances
All outstanding balances for reservations and pre ordered food and drinks in written confirmation must be received 14 days in advance of the reservation. All major credit cards are accepted. All payments must be paid in pounds sterling and are subject to Value Added Tax at the prevailing rate. Invoicing is subject to prior approval from the Directors of Barnacle Liverpool Ltd.

The outstanding balance for any additional items consumed during the reservation must be paid for at the end before leaving the premises.

In the event that any balances are not paid before leaving the premises Barnacle reserves the right to charge any stored credit card or payment method associated with the reservation the outstanding amount to pay the balance.

6. Cancellation
All reservations are subject to following the cancellation policy.

A cancellation greater than 24 hours prior the reservation may be struck off without incurring any charge.

A cancellation fewer than 24 hours prior the reservation may be struck off but will incur a charge at the rate of £20 per person.

In the event of the client not notifying Barnacle of a cancellation and or not presenting themselves at the specified time a charge will be incurred at the rate of £20 per person. This will be considered a “no show”.

Charges incurred due to cancellation are non-refundable.

Barnacle is reserved the right to cancel the reservation at any time by written notice to the Client if the Client is in breach of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions. Cancellation of confirmed reservations shall only be accepted when received in writing.

7. Service Charge
A discretionary service charge of 10% will be added to the Client’s bill on all consumable items.

8. Minimum Spend
Exclusive-use hire of Barnacle will be subject to a minimum spend arrangement subject to the service and date in question.

9. Menus and Drinks List
Menus are based on seasonal availability and are subject to change, as are the prices. Any changes will be communicated by Barnacle to the Client as timely as possible.

We cater for dietary requirements and kindly ask to be advised of these in advance. In order to fully prepare for your reservation, we require menu and wines choices to be confirmed 72 hours prior to the time of the reservation.

10. Barnacle Premises
The Client will ensure that:
• No damage is caused to Barnacle, its fittings, decorations and furnishings.
• No damage is caused to Duke Street Market, its fittings, decorations and furnishings.
• The conduct of its guests does not cause any nuisance or offence to other persons or guests visiting Barnacle.
• Any items belonging to the restaurant remain on the premises.
• The guests fully comply with emergency procedures should the need arise.

Only food and drink produced and served by Barnacle is permitted for consumption in Barnacle.

inside Duke Street Market



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